Perseus & Phineas: Uncle and previous suitor to Andromeda challenges Perseus, a great fight breaks out and Phineas is turned to stone from Medusa's head.
Proetus: Questioned Perseus and met a similar fate as Phineas.
Polydectes: Tries to question Perseus as well and is turned to stone from Medusa's head.
Ceres & Proserpina: A mother and daughter bond is challenged.
Arethusa & Alpheus: Chased by a river-god, Arethusa asks for Diana's help and is transformed into a spring after hiding in a cloud.
Book VI:
Arachne: Despite Minerva's warning, Arachne allowed her pride to transform her into a spider.

Niobe: Niobe's arrogance kills all of her children.
Latona & Lycian Peasants: Latona seeks water from the Lycian folks and is refused, transforming them into frogs.
Marsyas: A satyr meets sparagmos, but the tears shed for his death became a stream named Marsyas.
Tereus, Procne, & Philomela: Man should never take what does not belong to him, a woman's vengeance is very mighty.