Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Book X

Orpheus and Eurydice-  Orpheus goes to the underworld to fetch his wife and is told not to look back while she follows him from the underbelly, but at the last moment he turns around and loses her a second time.
Pygmalion-  Falls in love with his own art, a girl of ivory, granted by venus his ivory goddess comes to life.
Venus and Adonis-  Born from Myrrha(slep with father), Venus falls in love with him and warns him about wild animals.  

Awakening of Adonis - John William Waterhouse

Atlanta and Hippomenes-  Raced to be wed; Venus gave 3 golden apples to Hippomenes to distract Atlanta, but they never gave homage to Venus and were transformed into lions (pull Cybeles' chariot).
Fate of Adonis-  Ignores warning and is stabbed by a boar in the groin, his blood drips and becomes Anemone flower.


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