Again, the flesh and blood of dead men are commonly eaten and drunk to inspire bravery, wisdom, or other qualities for which those men were remarkable, or which are supposed to have their special seat in the particular part consumed. (The Golden Bough 464-65)

Eschatology is infused in the back of my mind and I constantly feed it with the appropriate "media junk food." I am willing to confess my obsession with zombie paraphernalia, and feel that the apocalypse should be taken with a grain of salt. I'm sure that cataclysmic events will unfold, but I am not willing to admit as to how.
One of the many sources for "end of days" fans, are books. My favorite book in particular is The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. This book does not have zombies, but instead the substitute of cannibals. The idea of people consuming human flesh is disturbing on many levels. According to The Golden Bough, consumption of your enemies' flesh is avidly supported: "Just as the savage thinks he can swallow the moral and other virtues in the shape of food, so he fondly imagines that he can inoculate himself with them" (465). By eating flesh, you are imbibing that persons' strength and soul. A perfect example of this idea is the movie Ravenous, a man is found alone in the woods and is later found to be a cannibal. I do not wish to disturb anyone with my observations, but our culture has been invaded with the idea of cannibalism. This leads me to believe that our world is destined for the end, turning towards such savageries.
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