It was the first of November, yet the sun shone in cloudless splendour and the heat was so great, that when I had examined the magnificent remains of ancient Greek fortification-walls which crown the summit of the hill, it was delicious to repose on a grassy slope in the shade of some fine holly-oaks and to inhale the sweet scent of the wild thyme, which perfumed all the air. But it was summer's farewell. Next morning the weather had completely changed. A grey November sky lowered sadly overhead, and grey mists hung like winding-sheets on the lower slopes of the barren mountains which shut in the fatal plain of Chaeronea. (Frazer 363)
Wandering around after class I began to think about three clues. Of course we covered the leaf change in class, but I fondly thought about a trip I took to Wisconsin. We had just visited relatives on Madeline Island (on Lake Superior) and decided to travel north and then west to Montana. My boyfriend was not looking forward to going back to our reality that was waiting. So we took a two hour detour to see how the leaves had changed that fall. It was a perfect way to say goodbye to our carefree summer. Then the clues started to unravel in their perfect place. I began to hear the ravens cawing and thought of Coronis and the fate of the bird changing its color. A gust of wind blew up and I pulled my jacket in tighter and thought of Juno's frosty ways, brrrr... I felt so close to nature and was enjoying my game of recollecting, when all of sudden I was snapped back to reality, I noticed a girl pass me by. I looked back and saw her stop and stare at her reflection in a window. I giggled to myself and instantly thought of Narcissus.
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